The average house price on MAFEKING TERRACE is £175,403
The most expensive house in the street is 18 MAFEKING TERRACE with an estimated value of £194,842
The cheapest house in the street is 20 MAFEKING TERRACE with an estimated value of £150,608
The house which was most recently sold was 18 MAFEKING TERRACE, this sold on 26 Sep 2014 for £128,500
The postcode for MAFEKING TERRACE is TF2 7BE
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
14 MAFEKING TERRACE Terraced £194,692 £125,000 9 May 2014
16 MAFEKING TERRACE Terraced £161,472 £55,000 10 May 2002
18 MAFEKING TERRACE Terraced £194,842 £128,500 26 Sep 2014
20 MAFEKING TERRACE Terraced £150,608 £90,000 12 Jul 2013